
Track Day 101- Info...
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[Sticky] Track Day 101- Info for Newbies

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Thought I'd start a post about attending your first day or for those just getting into coming to the track.

Since most don't actually read the Track Day forms with rules and regs, I've posted a condensed listing of them from the OSR registration page along with adding some tips/tricks and info from a veteran track rider, racer & previous organizer.

So lets get to the basic Track Day 101 

Each track day has 3 groups. Red, Yellow, and Green.
Each group will have a 15-20 minute session at a time and then break for the other groups *select the group that best suits your current track skill level*

  • Green – For novice/beginner riders. Passing is only permitted on straightaways.
  • Intermediate/Yellow – This is for experienced track riders only. Passing on the inside is prohibited if the rider in front of you has begun turning in. Passing on the outside is permitted.
  • Advanced/Red – The fastest group on the track. Passing is permitted anywhere. Highly experienced riders only.

Track Day Requirements


  • Your motorcycle needs to be in good working order & clean (a.k.a. not covered in mud/dirt)
  • Visual check for any oil/fluid leaks (engine, forks/shock, chain lube build up)
  • Check your brake fluid, reservoir should be filled (dark fluid is bad fluid, CHANGE IT) **BRAKES ARE IMPORTANT**
  • Tires and brake pads also need to be in good shape. **THIS INCLUDES THE CENTRE OF THE TIRE, CAN'T BE BALD/SQUARED OFF**
  • REMOVE glycol coolant out and replace it with DISTILLED water (mix with Water Wetter preferable if available) **DO THIS BEFORE ARRIVING AT THE TRACK**
  • Check chain tension & master link (speed type link, recommend replace with rivet link, they are known to fail)
  • Tape up lights, mirrors and reflectors
  • Bring zip ties with you to tie your kickstand
  • Adjust Tire Pressures for Track, check with Tire Manufacturer for recommended TRACK pressures....or 30psi Front & Rear is a good starting point for most street tires if info is unavailable

Safety Gear:

  • Full LEATHERS required – Jacket and pants, one or 2-piece, with the 2-piece having a 360 zipper
  • Full Face DOT/ECE/SNELL approved Helmet (MODULAR helmets not allowed)
  • Gloves- LEATHER Gauntlet style that go past your wrist and cover all exposed skin
  • Back Protector (not mandatory, but HIGHLY recommended)
  • Proper riding boots that cover the ankle

General Info:

-Track days are fun and social..... they are NOT A RACE
-Choose the CORRECT group for your skill level, you can nearly always move UP/DOWN if you find your pace isn't up to your existing group
-Ride within YOUR LIMITS 
-Make passes in a SAFE manner....if you need to think if its safe or not, err on the side of caution (Again NOT A RACE)
-There is only 1 DIRECTION ON TRACK, with 1 ENTRY & 1 EXIT
-DO NOT look behind you on track, what's behind you isn't a concern, things happen very quickly at track speeds
-ASK FOR HELP, there are lots of experienced riders at the track willing to help and offer advice, along with experienced instructors/coaches available for training.....YOU just need to ask
-IF you crash or leave the asphalt (a.k.a. in the grass/weeds) for any reason enter pits get bike re-tech'd before going back on track (we don't want grass/dirt pulled on the track or fluids leaking on the race surface)
-Unfortunately crashes happen, make sure you're OK, if there's any question of health go see EMS at track that's why they're here (this is for minor crashes, anything major and EMS will already have seen you)

Stuff to bring to track:

-Cooler w/ICE for Food & Water..... (Pro Tip: cooler water can be used to soak towels during the super hot days to cool down)
-Water, can't be stressed enough especially during the hot summer days, a full 24 pack of bottles gets used very quickly. Rule of Thumb for myself, 1 bottle every hour (more during extreme heat days)
-Food & snacks
-FUEL, a full gas tank and 1 jerry can are a good starting to have your day cut short cuz you ran out or gas (or can't get yourself home if you rode there)
-Tools, basic hand tools (crash repairs happen), tire pressure gauge (must have) and tire air pump (bicycle pumps work great)
-Rear Stand, will make your day far easier

This is just a starting point, I'll try to add/edit the post as I think of more stuff. Feel free to comment below and add anything I may have forgot.

Karim reacted




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